Meet Our Staff!
The Temple fulfills many important needs in the lives of our members — from ritual and spiritual guidance, Jewish education, the celebration of life-cycle events, and sometimes comfort in difficult and stressful situations. Our staff does everything they can to help meet those needs.
Our clergy and staff support and positively represent the overall mission of Congregation Ahavath Chesed. All congregants are treated with courtesy and the utmost confidentiality. If need be, a member may be referred to the appropriate representative of the synagogue who can help that congregant with his or her issue.
They understand that the growth, nurturing and future development of our synagogue is dependent in part on their actions as ambassadors on our behalf and behalf of the principles taught and practiced by the Jewish faith. When you call the office, any of our capable and competent staff is willing to help you – just ask!

Jessica Black Executive Assistant

Lynn Busch Comptroller

Lori Eisenberg Castro Religious School Coordinator

Edwinna Harris Operations Manager

Kenny Marr Maintenance Technician