Welcome! We are excited for a fun-filled evening of laughter and community. At this time, L’Chaim & Laughter is sold out. We will continue to evaluate our seating capacity and hope that you will join our wait list. We hope to accommodate as many of our members and friends as we can from our wait list. Please submit your information below and we will be in touch as space becomes available. Thank you for your patience and your support.

Rachel Bloom

Ron Elinoff

Paul Novak
Sponsorship Levels
Presenting Sponsor $15,000
Includes 12 tickets for our special event and special private box seating.
Your company name/logo will appear on all printed event materials and signage and on our website.
You will receive a full page ad in 2024-25 Kehillah (yearbook), and formal recognition during event, with opportunity to speak from the podium during event.
Printed materials and signage can be customized for your needs.
Platinum Sponsor $10,000
Includes 10 tickets for our special event.
Sponsorship listing on all printed materials and website.
Formal recognition during event.
Gold Sponsor $5,000
Includes 8 tickets for our special event.
Sponsorship listing on all printed materials and website.
Silver Sponsor $3,600
Includes 6 tickets for our special event.
Sponsorship listing on all printed materials and website.
Bronze Sponsor $1,800
Includes 4 tickets for our special event.
Sponsorship listing on all printed materials and website.
Partner $500
Includes 2 tickets for our special event.
Sponsorship listing on all printed materials and website.